file sharing blogspot template - ফাইল শেয়ারিং ব্লগস্পট টেম্পলেট

    The main concept of the Design publisher blogger template. this is a file-sharing template, you will share the link/URL of the file and the visitor will visit your website and download files. You can also share free files and premium files here. The free files can be downloaded by any visitor for free. And no one can't download premium files without license/permission. Whenever the user goes to download the premium file, he will give a warning to the user that - he has to buy a premium license, then he can download the premium file. Now you can sell licenses with money. If you share a valuable file on your website, then of course many will want to take a premium license from you.

    Since it has been developed for file sharing, it is suitable for any file-sharing site. Many people want to create an e-book website, many people want to create flash files / mobile firmware, design templates, graphics templates, this kind of site, this template is very useful for them.

    Many people create websites with WordPress for file sharing. It costs a lot of money to have a domain and hosting for WordPress. Domain hosting has to pay a renewal fee every year. Since this template is on the Blogger platform, you can create a website without domain hosting.


    Template nameDesign Publisher File sharing Blogspot Template
    DesignMd Mijanur Rahaman
    DevelopMd Mijanur Rahaman
    DemoClick here
    Responsive100% standard on all devices
    AdvantagesStandard SEO, PageSpeed ​​Insights high, fast loading speed, simple layout

    If you need to buy a template, please contact me:

    Facebook: Md Mijanur Rahaman
    Whatsapp: +8801854650673
    Phone: +8801854650673

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    পরিচিতদেরকে জানাতে শেয়ার করুন

    ডোমেইন হোস্টিং সার্ভিস এই লিংকে চাপ দিন

    ওয়েব ডিজাইন সার্ভিস এই লিংকে চাপ দিন

    গ্রাফিক্স ডিজাইন সার্ভিস এই লিংকে চাপ দিন

    ডোমেইন চেকার এই লিংকে চাপ দিন

    আপনার জন্য আরো কিছু পোস্ট

